Business Care

Optimize your PLM environment with the right mix of upgrades, consolidations, and process improvements.

Our business care service allows you to take advantage of our knowledgeable staff in assessing the overall health of your PLM deployment.

We deliver assessments and value statements that may lead to upgrades, consolidations (PLM harmonization), process improvement and extensions all focused on delivery business value.

PointPLM enables optimized PLM so you can focus on running your business efficiently.

Our business care service allows you to take advantage of our knowledgeable staff against existing implementations that may be facing questions regarding upgrades, consolidations, process improvements and other issues which need an expert review.

PointPLM enables optimized PLM so you can focus on maximizing your business value. Enabling efficient innovation, product development and commercialization are what we do best! We manage your PLM so you can manage your business.

Understanding when with the right mix of upgrades, consolidations, and process improvements.

Optimize your PLM environment. Maximize business value through continuous improvement means proper alignment of company needs coupled with thoughtful assessment, roadmapping and value enhancement. PointPLM provides expertise in enabling long term PLM roadmapping, taking into consideration both our customer needs, application footprint and budget.

Periodic health checks of your existing PLM environment are an important part of maintaining an optimized system. In order to ensure your PLM system is working optimally, we review your hardware/network infrastructure as well as your database for any adjustments which need to be made. We also review the general environment for configuration issues, settings, records, and usage.

Strategic assessments are a deeper look into your PLM deployment. As your business expands, we evaluate the current configuration against the changing needs of the company and what minor/major adjustments may be needed at both the Technical and Business Process levels.

As your business expands through acquisition, regional business processes will get more and more disparate over time. Harmonizing or aligning business processes means adjusting any differences and inconsistencies among these processes to make them uniform or mutually compatible across your entire corporation. It is a critical activity that considerably defines success of process management in commercial organizations. We evaluate these differences and help you plan and implement efficient uniformity over time and as new acquisitions come in.

Whether you are seeking a simple health check, technical advice, or a large scale review of processes to achieve better harmonization, you can always expect to PointPLM to bring the following goals and benefits to you:

  • Improve environment stability and accessibility
  • Reduce complexity and inefficiency of business processes
  • Improve process efficiency and decrease operating costs
  • Improve access to more accurate information for process decision-making
  • Simplify measurement of business process performance
  • Reduce cost of operations by integrating and maintaining processes
  • Deliver better services to customers
  • Leverage best practices across business units of your company and improve collaboration
  • Ensure achievement of regulatory compliances
  • Deployment of company resources to maximize business process value
  • Maximized agility and effective change of the process environment
  • Successful risk management by performing better, more accurate process analysis and risk identification
  • Maximized process returns and accurate trade-offs
  • Accelerated business analysis and planning

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